About u(nu)s
Unus MunDus was founded by Dr. Nicole Werner.We work together with a broad network of associates in different countries.

Dr. Nicole Werner
Systemic Organisational Consultant, Executive Coach, Change Facilitator and Mediator
«Leadership is a task of continuous development, rather than a position.»
Nicole describes herself as a multicultural facilitator of creative, productive and enjoyable collaboration. She is committed to a world of work where leadership is understood as the action of the leader in the service of the led.
Nicole was born in Germany and began horse back riding at the age of five. From horses, she learned early on how leading and following are mutually dependent. She experienced that it is brutal and futile to use force against resistance, while connection and empathy foster collaboration.
In her professional journey around the globe as a quantum physicist and global sustainable development expert, Nicole identified inspiration, trust, and meaningfulness (“purpose”) as key success factors for individual, team, and organizational performance and effectiveness.
Today, Nicole brings her incorporated knowledge to her practice as a leadership coach, facilitator of participatory group processes, and facilitator of individual and organizational development processes.
Nicole has lived and worked in Germany, Switzerland, UK, Argentina and Chile. Today she lives in Zurich. In her free time, she can be found riding her bike, playing golf or swimming in a cold mountain lake. She still loves to feel her own limits in nature on the back of a horse.

Roland Niemer
Systemic Organisational Consultant and Coach, Mediator, Psychodrama Therapist
«Nichts ist, wie es bleibt.»
Roland developed his strategic skills as a child playing chess. At the age of 20, parallel to his commercial training, he set out to understand himself and people in their interactions.
Early on, Roland was driven by the curiosity to grasp group dynamics and to put himself in other people's shoes. During his law studies, he trained as a psychodrama therapist and worked as a freelance seminar leader and workshop moderator.
As a partner in a management consultancy, he accompanied complex change processes in large corporations and non-profit organisations.
Roland is characterised by both serious humour and humorous seriousness. With intuition and a structured approach, he accompanies individuals, groups and entire organisations on their development paths.
What Shapes Our Work
People are at the centre of our work. Our work is based on humanistic psychology and a systemic-constructivist approach. We work with developmental psychological approaches according to Robert Kegan and Jane Loevinger as well as with hypnosystemic concepts according to Gunther Schmidt and transactional analysis according to Eric Berne.
Who Has Influenced Our Work
Psychological approaches
- Growth Edge Coaching: Personal & Professional Growth with Jennifer Garvey Berger, Carolyn Coughlin and Patrice Laslett (based on the approach of the development of the self by Robert Kegan)
- Certification for the I-E-Profil™ of personal development (ego development according to Jane Loevinger) with Dr. Thomas Binder, Berlin
- Transactional Analysis with Almut Schmale-Riedel at Institut TEAM in Gliching
- Psychodrama therapy at the Psychotherapeutic Institute Bergerhausen
(Hypno)Systemic, constructivist approaches
- Hypnosystemic Communication at Milton Erickson Institut Rottweil
- Hypnosystemic Concepts in Organisations & Teams, Dr. Gunther Schmidt
- Training as an organizational consultant and coach at the Institute for Systemic Impulse, Development and Leadership (isi), Zurich and Simon Weber & Friends, Heidelberg
- Liberating Structures, complexity-compatible facilitation methods curated by Henri Lipmanowicz and Keith McCandless
- Facilitation Training, Jutta Weimar, Facilitation Academy Berlin
- Deep Democracy Methods, Max & Ellen Schupbach
- Process work according to Arnold Mindell
Conflict Counselling & Mediation
- Clarification support according to Christoph Thomann & Friedemann Schulz von Thun with Christian Prior, Munich
- Mediation at the Academy for Scientific Training, Freiburg
Mindfulness, Awareness & Presence
- Mindfulness in Organisations (MIO) and SAM-Trainer, Mindful Leadership Institut (MLI) and Trigon, Salzburg
- Improvisation Theater and Clown Courses with Lucas Merayo (Buenos Aires), Theater AnUndPfirsich (Zurich), Yves Stöcklin (Basel) and Golda Eppstein (Zurich)
Theorie U
- «The Social Body and Societal Field Shifts» with A. Hayashi, Presencing-Institute Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- U.Lab Online-Training, Presencing-Institute at MIT: Practical Exercises on Theory U – Leading from the Future by C. Otto Scharmer
Other Certifications
- OPQ (Occupational Personality Questionnaire), SHL
- Professional Scrum Master Certification (PSM I), scrum.org
- Host for Warm Data Lab by Nora Bateson
- Business Process Management at ibo
Let’s Work Together
Association for Heart and Mindfulness Switzerland (Board Member), AHMS
International Coaching Federation, ICF – Chapter Switzerland
Growth Edge Network, GEN